Mountain Hares Discovery Group Walk
Guided Walking in the Peak District
Watch rare Mountain Hares in England
Maximum group size - 6 people
The highest points in the Peak District are the only places in England where you can still find Mountain Hares.
Most people will never see them when walking in the hills but I have a 100% record of spotting them on these trips. It goes without saying that it's worth taking along a camera with a long lens or zoom and binoculars if you have them.
The walk starts from the Snake Pass road, between Glossop and Sheffield. After a gradual climb of around 200m (600ft) we reach a flattening from where we leave the Pennine Way path. I will now navigate you across the complex moorland terrain to some of the best locations to see Mountain Hares in their natural habitat. There will also be the chance of seeing short eared owls, golden plover, red grouse, kestrels and other wildlife on these trips as well as learning about the ecology and restoration of these amazing bog and moorland habitats.
Bespoke private guided mountain hare photography experiences are also available, click here for details
Walk Details
Meet: Snake Pass summit, A57 at 08:45 for an 09:00 start
Grade: Moderate
Length: 14km/8.5miles
Height Gain: 230m/600ft
Price: £49
The walk is mostly on a mixture of good tracks and smaller footpaths which can be rough in places and includes a few gradual hills. Some of the path is paved and tends to be a little slippy when wet. At any time of year there are likely to be some muddy sections, especially once we start to head away from the Pennine Way across the moors. The terrain here becomes rougher with no paths in some sections.
Recommended Equipment & Clothing
Appropriate walking clothing to keep you warm on the day (no jeans as they can be cold if wet).
Waterproof jacket.
Waterproof trousers.
Spare warm layers (several thinner layers are more versatile than 1 thick).
Walking boots (some areas are rough and uneven so boots that go above the ankle, providing good ankle support, are recommended rather than low cut walking/trail shoes. Boots will also keep your feet drier than walking shoes in boggy/muddy areas). No Trainers.
Warm hat and gloves or sun hat if sunny.
Food, drink and snacks for the day. We will have a couple of food stops whilst out on the hill.
Personal first aid kit (for minor cuts, blisters, sun cream, pain relief and any personal medication).
Rucksack with waterproof liner/bag.
Money for parking and/or cafe
Hand sanitiser and face covering recommended A face mask/covering does not need to be worn, however whilst virus levels remain high it would be recommended in emergency situations to help protect people whilst providing first aid or assistance, or when entering busy cafes and toilet areas.
Optional additions: camera, gaiters and/or walking poles if you have them.